Ask-Me-Anything Call
Telekonsultasi (hingga 45 menit) via googlemeet bersama certified pediatric sleep consultant dan tanyakan apa saja tentang tantangan tidur anak yang sedang anda hadapi saat ini dan dapatkan saran tidur profesional untuk si kecil. Layanan ini tidak termasuk sleep plan dan follow-up.

Layanan ini cocok untuk:
Evaluasi tidur anak saat ini
Konsultasi Tidur Bayi Baru Lahir
Troubleshoot pasca regresi
Konsultasi bagi keluarga yang tidak ingin atau belum ingin sleep training
tidur anak saat ini?
Baru! Chat dengan Konsultan Layanan Kami
Meet Tidurician happy families!
Mom of L, 21 months old
Giovanie is very thoughtful, not just knowledgeable but also have an open heart. Very empathetic and kind. Very understanding towards stressful mom who are not convinced to do sleep training and anxious about it. She is very supportive and really generous with her knowledge and time. Thank you so much!”
Mom of El, 4 years old
… it has been going on for four weeks he wakes up happy and I feel calm. Thank you mba Giovanie for the help very blessed with your cooperation and support. I recommended sleep consulting with Tidurician to my friends and family!